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Many neighbors in Ward 6 are struggling to stay in their homes with rising costs and taxation. Rochester has a dire housing crisis that needs collaboration, commitment, and creativity to create permanent affordable housing. When my children and I faced financial challenges, we waited in line at CFR (Community Food Response) listening to stories of neighbors who worked multiple jobs yet still could not afford their increasing rent/mortgage. When I volunteer at the Warming Center, I listen to barriers of people experiencing homelessness. The main challenge is simply the lack of affordable housing. In addition to firsthand listening to struggles, I have reviewed research like the Maxfield study, and connected with leaders in different levels of government share ideas, combine resources, and utilize existing tools, like grants, state/federal programs, and TIF (tax increment financing).


DMC, developers, and contractors are also essential partners to maximize resources to help create more single family, mix-use housing, while preserving existing naturally affordable housing. Rochester needs all types, from larger family homes to accessible, transition, and senior housing in areas accessible to green space and amenities. I have networked with local, state, and national leaders exploring options such as tiny homes, ADU (assessable dwelling units), prefabricated units, rebates, and tax incentive options. It is also important to include experts in IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), Jobs Act, and Infrastructure investment to keep a sustainability focus.


In attending committees, planning sessions, and monthly meetings like the Housing Alliance Coalition at the Rochester Area Foundation, I work with Olmsted County and help partner with organizations like Three Rivers Community Action, ISAIAH, First homes, Family Promise, and other public, private, and non-profits who are essential to identify gaps and increase housing options. The public also needs to be included to actively brainstorming and provide input. I have advocated for increased community engagement and longer tables to get more resident and commuity stakeholders into this important conversation. I will continue to be a strong advocate for affordable and accessible housing as our city grows. Every person needs to have a roof over their head and we need to work to find lasting solutions together.


Photo credit: Technology Park Apartments 2024

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