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Re-Elect Molly Dennis
Campaign Press Release

Molly Dennis Announces Filing for Re-election for Ward 6

Councilmember, Molly Dennis is Running again for Ward 6

Rochester, MN— June 4, 2024 — Today at the Government Center, Councilmember Molly Dennis filed to
continue to represent Rochester for Ward 6.
“I am deeply honored and humbled to serve my ward 6 neighbors on our City Council. We are all in this
together,” said Councilmember, Molly Dennis.
We live in a world of growing conflict, adversity, and high inflation. After recent events, dozens of
residents had asked me to run for Council President. However, my commitment and allegiance has
always been to the people of Ward 6. I would appreciate the continued support to help advocate for a
more inclusive, just, and compassionate City for everyone. 
Thank you, Ward 6, for placing your trust in me. I always take time to listen with the intent to understand
people’s stories, concerns, and needs. My voting record proves my integrity and I fulfill my promises.

  • I have been the deciding vote on affordable housing projects, so generations will have a home.

  • I voted to increase tree canopies in the UDC and support clean water, electric transportation and sustainable energy.

  • I support safe streets by having crosswalks installed. And support public safety and mental health.

  • I support places of belonging like our parks and library.

  • I believe strongly in collaboration with other governments and community partners.

  • I stand up against cronyism, will not bow to money/power, and call out potential conflicts of interest.

  • I am the only current council member who voted against selling downtown property without competitive bidding and requested audits to crack down on potential wasteful spending.

  • I ask hard questions to protect tax dollars and one of the only Council members who listened to community concerns and called for department records.

  • And I did not vote for the high increase in your property taxes.

No one is above the law, and government cannot be done behind closed doors. People's voices cannot
be silenced, and I believe you have the right to know where your tax dollars are spent.
I have a proven track record of commitment and loyalty to residents in ward 6. Facts matter, Science
Matters, Integrity matters, people matter. Transparency is trust.
I am humbly honored to have the privilege and blessing to be your representative, thank you for placing
your trust in me. As I have done for the last four years, I will continue to guarantee that your voice will
be part of the policy discussion.

Please vote to re-elect Molly Dennis as your devoted public servant for Ward 6. Thank you for your

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